Monday, April 11, 2011

"Love and Honor and Pity and Pride and Compassion and Sacrifice"

This piece is a touching piece with two aspects that I'd like to focus on in my blog. Firstly, I'd like to visit the issue with the current girlfiend and the narrator. The narrator seems to be in a pretty serious relationship with Linda, however he is keeping this love from his parents and definitely hiding it from his father. Linda even specifically asks the narrator if he has told his father of past exes and he doesn't even respond, meaning that he probably did. I think that if I was Linda, I would be extremely uncomfortable with knowing that the father is coming to visit and he is not being told about me. I was also interested in how Linda dealt with her frustration and sadness with the narrator when he wouldn't tell his father about their relationship. She kissed him on the forehead and didn't want to leave the argument without showing some sort of affection. I have to say I admire this because if I'm ever in a heated arguement or disagreement I tend to let my negative emotions take over and wouldn't be able to show affection. Secondly, I'd like to talk about the narrators attempt at writing a important literature piece for some upcoming deadline. He is stuck for a majority of the story until the dad and him begin to talk and he gets the idea to write a "Ethnic Story." This first story was seen by his dad one morning, and was read without the narrators consent. The dad doesn't approve because it has some "mistakes." The narrator and his father end up talking, drinking, and explaining past experiences so that a better version can be written. That night another version was written and again picked up unexpectedly by the father. The father took the story on a walk and was not back in time for the narrator to turn it in to meet the deadline. This was disappointing to me, the reader, because I was happy that the dad and son were able to rekindle some sort of bond in the talking and sharing the night before. The father took the story to a person on the street and had it burned to ashes....enough said. I don't agree with the father for doing this, but I can see his perspective because he wanted his stories to be kept between him and his son only. As he said previously, no one else would find importance in the stories that were told. They would clap for the reading, and then forget it immeadiately. The title of this piece is truly depicted in each section as the days pass by and the father's visit continues.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the stories we're more particular to the son than they would be to the general population. This is because they were stories shared between his father and himself. I don't agree with his father however because he seems to suffocate his son. This can be seen in the general hiding of the son's girlfriend. While his father has good intentions I think that he is trying to force his son into a mold in which he doesn't fit and is only driving him further away in the process.
